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赵齐,博士,教授,硕士生导师,比利时根特大学访问学者,入选十堰市科技领军人才扶持计划。2017年于中南大学获得材料学博士学位,同年加入学院best365网页版登录官网历任讲师、副教授、教授,其间受国家留学基金委资助在根特大学与Magd Abdel Wahab教授合作开展了晶体塑性有限元模拟研究,在比期间被列为该校FEMRG实验室博士答辩委员会成员,FFW2024国际会议学术委员会成员。一直从事铝合金的基础研究及应用技术开发,分别主持/完成国家自然科学基金项目、湖北省自然科学基金项目、湖北省青年科技晨光计划项目等纵向课题7项。对铝合金织构演变与力学性能方面的实验及模拟研究工作共发表21篇SCI论文,其中以第一/通讯作者在Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Materials & Design, Materials Science and Engineering A, Materials Characterization, Journal of Alloys and Compounds等金属材料/断裂力学领域重要期刊发表论文15篇和授权4项国家发明专利,其中1项国家国防发明专利,相关成果已在西南铝业、东风底盘系统及郧西合力工贸有限公司逐步开展工程化。与中南大学刘志义教授及根特大学Magd Abdel Wahab教授长期保持了密切深入的合作研究。














2. 主持学院优秀青年基金项目,xxx车用铝板织构演变及成形行为研究, 2023YQ03, 8万元, 2023.11~2026.11.

3. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,Al-Cu-Mg合金第二相控制作用下的强Goss织构演变及细化Goss晶粒研究,51901073, 26.4万元,2020.1~2022.12.

4. 主持湖北省自然科学基金青年项目, Al-Cu-Mg 合金 Goss 织构型材制备及近门槛区抗疲劳损伤机制研究,2018CFB177, 5万元, 2018.1~2019.12.

5. 主持湖北省青年科技晨光计划,第五届材料科学与技术国际会议, 2019KXA17, 1万元,2019.4~2019.10.

6. 主持学院博士基金项目, Al-Si-Mg 系合金铸锻复合成型及耐疲劳损伤性能研究,10 万元,BK2017022018.1~2020.12.

7. 主持汽车动力传动与电子控制湖北省重点实验室开放基金项目,复合预变形技术制备高损伤容限性Al-Mg-Si-(Cu)合金车身板材,ZDK12017052万元,2018.1~2019.12.





1. 刘志义, 赵齐, 黄田田, 李俊霖, 夏鹏, 鲁璐青. 一种具有高耐疲劳损伤、高强度高斯织构铝合金材料及其制备方法,ZL 201618000349.5(授权国防专利未解密)

2. 赵齐, 刘志义. 一种断裂韧性优异的Goss+Cube P+Cube 织构铝合金及其制备方法,ZL 201910380411.7(授权国家发明专利)

3. 赵齐, 石磊, 杨继彪, 陈浩. 一种高耐磨Fe-Cu基粉末冶金复合材料及制备方法,ZL 201910250614.8(授权国家发明专利)

4. 赵齐, 陈礼年, 简波, 利仙奥, 王龙, 邹翔, 杨自立, 周子康, 辛佳龙. 一种具有{001}<x10>织构的Al-Cu铸造合金及其制备方法和应用,ZL202210765818.7 (授权国家发明专利)

5. 赵齐, 陈礼年, 张安阳, 饶晓晓, 李斌, 吴延迪, 翟志鹏, 宁阳城, 具有近P织构、高强度高屈强比Al-Zn铸造合金及其制备方法,2023112747842 (申请国家发明专利)

6. 2020年入选学院“东风学者计划”青年拔尖创新人才计划, 20202022年被评为学院优秀教师;2021年被评为学院优秀科技工作者

7. 参与获批学院教学成果奖三等奖(基于课程思政的材料工程基础“一心二用三步走”教学体系的构建与实践)

8. 2019年加拿大第五届材料科学与技术国际会议优秀报告奖





1. Qi Zhao, Magd Abdel Wahab, Yong Ling, Zhiyi Liu, Dagang Wang, Fatigue crack propagation of AA2024 alloy under texture control using crystal plasticity coupled with accelerated cyclic cohesive zone model, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2024, 296: 109819. (断裂力学领域最好的期刊)

2. Qi Zhao, Zhiyi Liu, Formation and development of Goss texture in Al-Cu-Mg alloy during solution treatment, Journal of Materials Science, 2023, 58: 14220-14244.

3. Qi Zhao, Magd Abdel Wahab, Yong Ling, Zhiyi Liu, Fatigue crack propagation across grain boundary of Al-Cu-Mg bicrystal based on crystal plasticity XFEM and cohesive zone model, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2022, 126: 275-287. (金属材料领域顶级期刊)

4. Qi Zhao, Zhiyi Liu, Texture Evolution of Hot Rolled Al–Cu–Mg–Zr Alloy During Annealing, Metals and Materials International, 2022, 28:2947-2961.

5. Qi Zhao, Magd Abdel Wahab, Yong Ling, Zhiyi Liu, Fatigue crack propagation within Al-Cu-Mg single crystals based on crystal plasticity and XFEM combined with cohesive zone model, Materials Design, 2021, 210: 110015. (金属材料领域权威期刊)

6. Qi Zhao, Magd Abdel Wahab, Yong Ling, Zhiyi Liu, Grain-orientation induced stress formation in AA2024 monocrystal and bicrystal using Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Method, Materials Design, 2021, 206: 109794. (金属材料领域权威期刊)

7. Qi Zhao, Zhiyi Liu, Magd Abdel Wahab, Enhanced Brass texture of hot-rolledAl-4Cu-1.6Mg alloy by 0.1% Zr addition, Materials Characterization, 2020, 169: 110643. (金属材料表征领域权威期刊)

8. Qi Zhao, Zhiyi Liu, Yangcheng Hu, Shasha Li, Song Bai, Evolution of Goss

texture in an Al-Cu-Mg alloy during cold rolling, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 20:24.

9. Qi Zhao, Zhiyi Liu, Yangcheng Hu, Fudong Li, Cheng Luo, Shasha Li, Texture effect on fatigue crack propagation in aluminium alloys: An overview, Materials Science and Technology, 2019, 35: 1789-1802.

10. Qi Zhao, Zhiyi Liu, Shasha Li, Yangcheng Hu, Bai Song, Effect of S phase

characteristics on the formation of recrystallization textures of an Al-Cu-Mg alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018,747: 293-305. (金属材料领域权威期刊)

11. Shasha Li, Qi Zhao#, Zhiyi Liu#, Fudong Li, A review of texture evolution mechanisms during deformation by rolling in aluminum alloys, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27: 3350-3373. (通讯作者)

12. Qi Zhao, Zhiyi Liu, Song Bai, Shasha Li, Yangcheng Hu, Peng Xia, Coincidence site lattice boundary mechanism for the preferred growth of Goss and Cube grains during annealing in an Al-Cu-Mg alloy, Materials Characterization, 2018, 141:193-211. (金属材料表征领域权威期刊)

13. Qi Zhao, Zhiyi Liu, Shasha Li, Tiantian Huang, Peng Xia, Luqing Lu, Evolution of the Brass texture in an Al-Cu-Mg alloy during hot rolling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 691: 786-799. (金属材料领域权威期刊)

14. Tiantian Huang1, Qi Zhao1, Zhiyi Liu, Bai Song, Enhanced damage tolerance through reconstructing residual stress and Cu-Mg co-clusters by pre-rolling in an Al-Cu-Mg alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2017,700: 241-249. (共同一作,金属材料领域权威期刊)





